PQ Torus

Drawing 3D lines in flash algorithmically

PQ Torus


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
	pageTitle=" P Q . t o r u s "
	backgroundColor="#000000" backgroundAlpha="1"
	backgroundGradientColors="[#535353, #000000]"
	backgroundGradientAlphas="[1.0, 1.0]" 
           .  .  P Q . t o r u s . k n o t  .  .
           respect due to the infamous blackpawn
          thanx for sharing all your math skills!
//                                                 imports
	import org.papervision3d.core.geom.renderables.*;
	import org.papervision3d.materials.special.*;
	import org.papervision3d.materials.*;
	import org.papervision3d.core.geom.*;
	import nu.xero.flex.*;
//                                                    vars		
	//enviorment vars
	private var fps			:FlexFPS;
	private var speed		:Number  = .02;
	private var count		:Number  = 0;
	private var draw		:Boolean = true;
	private var theColor1	:uint    = 0xff00ff;
	private var theColor2	:uint    = 0x00ff00;
	private var theMix		:Number  = 0;
	private var dir			:Boolean = false;
	//line vars
	private var linez		:Lines3D;
	private var firstX		:Number  = 0;
	private var firstY		:Number  = 0;
	private var firstZ		:Number  = 0;
	private var lastX		:Number  = 0;
	private var lastY		:Number  = 0;
	private var lastZ		:Number  = 0;
	private var nextX		:Number  = 0;
	private var nextY		:Number  = 0;
	private var nextZ		:Number  = 0;
	//math vars
	private var r			:Number  = 0;
	private var p			:Number  = 4;
	private var q			:Number  = 5;
	private var phi			:Number  = 0;
//                                             constructor
	private function init3D():void {
		//create framerate display
		fps = new FlexFPS(0x000000, 0x535353, 0xFFFFFF, 0, "kb");
		//setup camera
		paperCanvas.view.camera.z = -400;
		//create line object
		linez = new Lines3D(new LineMaterial(theColor1));
		//add render loop
		addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, loop3D);
//                                             render loop	
	private function loop3D(e:Event):void {
		//update framerate display
		fps.update("lines.rendered: " + linez.lines.length); 

			linez.rotationY = count++;
			linez.rotationX -= (mouseY-(stage.height*.5))/100;
			//calculate torus knot
			phi += speed;
			r = .5 * (2 + Math.sin(q * phi)) * 10;
			nextX = r * Math.cos(p * phi) * 10;
			nextY = r * Math.cos(q * phi) * 10;
			nextZ = r * Math.sin(p * phi) * 10;
			//starting positions
				firstX = nextX;
				firstY = nextY;
				firstZ = nextZ;
				lastX = nextX;
				lastY = nextY;
				lastZ = nextZ;					
			if(theColor2 == 0x00000f){
				//add solid line
				linez.addLine(new Line3D(linez, new LineMaterial(theColor1), 10, new Vertex3D(lastX, lastY, lastZ), new Vertex3D(nextX, nextY, nextZ)));
			} else {
				//color transition
				  	} else {
				} else {
				  	} else {
				//add gradient line
				linez.addLine(new Line3D(linez, new LineMaterial(theColor1*theMix), 10, new Vertex3D(lastX, lastY, lastZ), new Vertex3D(nextX, nextY, nextZ)));
			//update last positions
			lastX = nextX;
			lastY = nextY;
			lastZ = nextZ;
		} else if(count == 315) {
			//connect the final line
			if(theColor2 == 0x00000f){
				linez.addLine(new Line3D(linez, new LineMaterial(theColor1), 10, new Vertex3D(lastX, lastY, lastZ), new Vertex3D(firstX, firstY, firstZ)));									
			} else {
				linez.addLine(new Line3D(linez, new LineMaterial(theColor1*theMix), 10, new Vertex3D(lastX, lastY, lastZ), new Vertex3D(firstX, firstY, firstZ)));
//                                             reset linez	
	private function setupLinez():void {
		linez.lines = [];
		phi = 0;
		count = 0;	
		p = theP.value;
		q = theQ.value;
//                                                     gui
	private function switchMenu(dir:String):void {
		if(dir == "open"){
			currentState = "customColor";
			colorPanel.x = btnColor.x - 40;
		} else {
			currentState = "";
//                                       change line color
	private function setColor(color1:uint, color2:uint = 0x00000f):void {
		theColor1 = color1;
		theColor2 = color2;
		currentState = "";
//                                             move camera
	private function fov():void {
		paperCanvas.view.camera.z = theZoom.value;
		<mx:State name="customColor">
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					<mx:Button x="7" y="280" width="55" fillAlphas="[1.0, 1.0]" fillColors="[#00FF00, #FF0000]" id="btnMix3" click="setColor(0x00ff00, 0xff0000)"/>
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					<mx:Label x="15" y="209" text="mixed" color="#FFFFFF"/>
					<mx:Label x="18" y="5" text="solid" color="#FFFFFF"/>
			<mx:SetProperty target="{btnColor}" name="label" value="v"/>
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	<xx:CanvasView3D id="paperCanvas" top="0" bottom="0" left="0" right="0"/>
	<mx:ApplicationControlBar right="0" left="0" bottom="0">
		<mx:Label text="  torus ( P =" color="#FFFFFF"/>
		<mx:NumericStepper width="45" id="theP" value="4" minimum="-50" maximum="50" change="setupLinez()" backgroundColor="#333333" color="#FFFFFF" borderColor="#000000"/>
		<mx:Label text=", Q = " color="#FFFFFF"/>
		<mx:NumericStepper width="45" id="theQ" value="5" minimum="-50" maximum="50" change="setupLinez()" color="#FFFFFF" backgroundColor="#333333" borderColor="#000000"/>
		<mx:Text text=")       " color="#FFFFFF"/>
		<mx:Label text="       "/>
	<mx:Label text="color" color="#FFFFFF" id="label1" right="71" bottom="6"/>
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	<mx:HSlider id="theZoom" liveDragging="true" change="fov()" maximum="0" value="-400" minimum="-800" allowTrackClick="true" width="116" horizontalCenter="-38" bottom="10"/>
	<mx:Label text="camera:" color="#FCFCFC" id="label2" horizontalCenter="-116" bottom="8"/>
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raw zip tar