Qoob Portfolio
The open qoob is a php mvc framework created to speed up the process of creating dynamic sites. This is the code running this website!

The open qoob is a php mvc framework created to speed up the process of creating dynamic sites. This is the code running this website!
* stache
* a simple mustache inspired template system
* @example
* {{var_name}} = regular variable (escaped)
* {{&unescaped}} = an unescaped variable (may contain html)
* {{!ignored}} = a variable that will not be rendered
* {{#required}} = required variables will throw exceptions if not set
* {{@unescaped_required}} = required unescaped variable
* @author xero harrison <x@xero.nu>
* @copyright creative commons attribution-shareAlike 3.0 unported
* @license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/
* @version 2.34
namespace qoob\core\view;
class stache {
* error constants
E_Open='Unable to open: %s',
E_Require='Missing required variable: %s';
* render
* load, create, and display a template
* @param string $view file name (minus .html extension)
* @param array $data name value pairs to replace in the template file
* @param boolean $return auto echo on false, return string on true (default = false)
public function render($view, $data = array(), $return = false) {
$file = \library::get('UI.dir').DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'html'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$view.".html";
if(file_exists($file)) {
$content = ob_get_contents();
if(sizeof($data) > 0) {
$content = $this->build($content, $data);
if($return) {
return $content;
} else {
echo $content;
} else {
throw new \Exception(sprintf(self::E_Open, $file), 500);
* build
* replace mustache style markup with real data.
* @param string $content the template files markup
* @param array $data name value pairs to replace in the template file
private function build($content, $data) {
preg_match_all('/{{(.+?)}}/', $content, $staches);
if(isset($staches[1])) {
$staches = array_unique($staches[1]);
$patterns = array();
$replace = array();
foreach ($staches as $key => $value) {
$patterns[] = '/{{'.$value.'}}/';
$prefix = substr($value, 0, 1);
$value_name = preg_replace('/[\&\!\#\@]/', '', $value);
//assigned variable
if(isset($data[$value_name])) {
switch($prefix) {
case '&':
$replace[] = $data[$value_name];
case '!':
$replace[] = '';
case '#':
if(trim($value) === '') {
throw new \Exception(sprintf(self::E_Require, $value_name), 500);
$replace[] = htmlentities($data[$value_name]);
//required unescaped
case '@':
if(trim($value) === '') {
throw new \Exception(sprintf(self::E_Require, $value_name), 500);
$replace[] = $data[$value_name];
$replace[] = htmlentities($data[$value_name]);
//unassigned variable
} else {
if($prefix == '#' || $prefix == '@') {
throw new \Exception(sprintf(self::E_Require, $value_name), 500);
} else {
$replace[] = '';
$content = preg_replace($patterns, $replace, $content);
return $content;