Qoob Portfolio
The open qoob is a php mvc framework created to speed up the process of creating dynamic sites. This is the code running this website!

The open qoob is a php mvc framework created to speed up the process of creating dynamic sites. This is the code running this website!
/* humanstxt.org */
/* site */
standards: html5, css3, sass
components: jquery, foundation, modernizr, fontawesome
software: sublime text, git, gruntjs, photoshop, fontforge
/* designer */
author: andrew harrison
email: andrew@harrison.nu
site: http://andrew.harrison.nu
/* jQuery */
copyright: 2005-2014 jQuery Foundation, Inc.
license: http://jquery.org/license
version: 2.1.1
/* modernizr */
copyright: Faruk Ates, Paul Irish, Alex Sexton
license: http://modernizr.com/license
version: 2.8.1
/* foundation framework */
copyright: 2014 zurb, an interaction design and design strategy firm in campbell, ca
site: http://foundation.zurb.com
version: 5