Qoob Portfolio
The open qoob is a php mvc framework created to speed up the process of creating dynamic sites. This is the code running this website!

The open qoob is a php mvc framework created to speed up the process of creating dynamic sites. This is the code running this website!
* extended browser detection
* @author Guillermo Azurdia / www.nopticon.com
* @author xero harrison / http://xero.nu
* @copyright GNU General Public License 2009-2012
* @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/
* @version 2.01
* @package qoob
* @subpackage utils
namespace qoob\utils;
class xbd {
function _print($name, $ret)
echo $name . '<br />';
if (!$this->f($ret))
$ret = 'false';
elseif ($ret == '1')
$ret = 'true';
echo '<blockquote><pre>';
echo '</pre></blockquote>';
function v_server($a)
return (isset($_SERVER[$a])) ? $_SERVER[$a] : '';
function f($s)
return !empty($s);
function w($a = '', $d = false)
if (!$this->f($a) || !is_string($a)) return array();
$e = explode(' ', $a);
if ($d !== false)
foreach ($e as $i => $v)
$e[$v] = $d;
return $e;
If you want to add more browsers, do it but be careful... order matters.
function browser($a_browser = false, $a_version = false, $name = false, $d_name = false, $ret_ary = false)
$browser_list = 'nokia motorola samsung sonyericsson blackberry iphone htc android ';
$browser_list .= 'flock firefox konqueror lobo msie netscape navigator mosaic netsurf lynx amaya omniweb ';
$browser_list .= 'googlebot googlebot-image feedfetcher-google gigabot msnbot thunderbird fennec minimo ';
$browser_list .= 'minefield chrome wget cheshire safari avant camino seamonkey aol bloglines ';
$browser_list .= 'wii playstation netfront opera mozilla gecko ubuntu';
$browser_type = array(
'mobile' => 'nokia motorola samsung sonyericsson blackberry iphone fennec minimo htc android',
'console' => 'wii playstation',
'bot' => 'googlebot googlebot-image feedfetcher-google gigabot msnbot bloglines'
$platforms = array(
'linux' => $this->w('linux'),
'mac' => array('macintosh', 'mac platform x', 'mac os x'),
'windows' => $this->w('windows win32')
$user_browser = strtolower($this->v_server('HTTP_USER_AGENT'));
$this_version = $this_browser = $this_platform = '';
if ($a_browser == '*') {
$a_browser = $a_version = $name = false;
$d_name = true;
if ($a_browser === false && $a_version === false && $name === false && $d_name !== false)
return $user_browser;
foreach ($this->w('user_browser a_browser a_version name d_name') as $row)
$vrow = $$row;
if (is_string($vrow)) {
$$row = strtolower($vrow);
$browser_limit = strlen($user_browser);
foreach ($this->w($browser_list) as $row)
$row = ($a_browser !== false) ? $a_browser : $row;
$n = stristr($user_browser, $row);
if (!$n || $this->f($this_browser)) continue;
$this_browser = $row;
$j = strpos($user_browser, $row) + strlen($row);
$j2 = substr($user_browser, $j, 1);
if (preg_match('#[\/\_\-\ ]#', $j2)) {
$j += 1;
for (; $j <= $browser_limit; $j++)
$s = trim(substr($user_browser, $j, 1));
if (!preg_match('/[\w\.\-]/', $s)) break;
$this_version .= $s;
if ($a_browser !== false && ($d_name === false || $name === true) && $ret_ary === false)
$ret = false;
if (strtolower($a_browser) == $this_browser)
$ret = true;
if ($a_version !== false)
if ($this->f($this_version))
$a_sign = explode(' ', $a_version);
if (version_compare($this_version, $a_sign[1], $a_sign[0]) === false) {
$ret = false;
$vf = true;
$ret = false;
if ($name !== true)
return $ret;
foreach ($platforms as $os => $match)
foreach ($match as $os_name)
if (strpos($user_browser, $os_name) !== false)
$this_platform = $os;
break 2;
$this_type = '';
if ($this->f($this_browser))
foreach ($browser_type as $type => $browsers)
foreach ($this->w($browsers) as $row)
if (strpos($this_browser, $row) !== false)
$this_type = $type;
break 2;
if (!$this_type) $this_type = 'desktop';
if ($name !== false && $ret_ary === false)
if ($a_browser !== false && $a_version !== false && $ret === false)
return false;
$s_browser = '';
$s_data = array($this_type, $this_platform, $this_browser, $this_version);
foreach ($s_data as $row)
if ($this->f($row)) $s_browser .= (($s_browser != '') ? ' ' : '') . $row;
return $s_browser;
if(getenv('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR') != '') {
$addr = getenv('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR');
} else {
$addr = getenv('REMOTE_ADDR');
$host = @gethostbyaddr($addr);
if($host == '') {
$host = "unknown";
return array(
'browser' => $this_browser,
'version' => $this_version,
'platform' => $this_platform,
'type' => $this_type,
'useragent' => $user_browser,
'ipaddress' => $addr,
'hostname' => $host